Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Everyone love surprises in their life....so do I....I love surprises....

Last few days,the surprise I get is that I have a roommate,finally....that's great( I really don't think is soo great actually coz I doesn't know my new roommate yet...)
Yesterday's surprise is that my PTPTN loan finally have response...I can get the agreement already on this Saturday...feel relieve and happy coz can unburden my mom's burden since she have financial problem....

However,the real thing is,I actually hope there is a SURPRISE FOR MY 19TH BIRTHDAY....
I'm turning 19 next Tuesday(just the second day of my college reopens).... Every year my birthday just gone like nothing happen(except last year-my work mates make a surprise and celebrate with me)...This time I just celebrate with my family by having a dinner together only cause I will be celebrating my birthday alone at KL....how great was that....

Oh well,what to do....life still goes on....hope on my birthday won't be alone,at least....huuu.....